A look at the current state of gun control in the U.S., and how best to remedy problems with guns falling into the wrong hands.There’s no understanding any longer of conflict resolution, which should be taught in schools. What can be done about kids resolving conflicts with weapons?David Duke is the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, yet he’s running for U.S.Congress in a state which is heavily African-American. Our listeners weigh in.Can gay rights and many people’s strict interpretation of the bible co-exist? Callers seem to have a hard time separating the two… and what’s happened to separation of church and state?A day-by-day interview with the candidates seeking the top position of mayor of New Orleans. On this edition, candidate Marc Morial.
Callers have plenty of opinions about the Stand Your Ground Laws which exist only in certain states of the U.S.
Sample of Sirius Radio show from New York, dealing with the predictions of Nostradamus to traumatic brain injuries and everything in between.
Gambit review of my hosting on WWL Radio drive-time talk show.